Author: Middle Aged Rager

Post-shooting vigil in Parkland, Florida, February 2018.

Silent No More

I have not posted here in a long time, because I have no words for most of the outrages that have been perpetrated on us since January 20, 2017. It’s time to end silence and march. We cannot allow the gaslighting of America to go on, while children are being shot in their schools.

via Plans Are in the Works for A National Day of Action to Protect Students Against Gun Violence

Featured image from


Bill Moyers interviewed me for the launch of the new interactive Trump/Russia Timeline at Here are the links: Moyers Interview New Interactive Trump/Russia Timeline Meanwhile, here are this week’s additions to the Timeline: Nov. 16, 2009: Russian attorney Sergei Magnitsky, 37, dies after physical abuse in prison. Prior to his arrest, he had worked […]


March for Science logo, Earth Day 2017

The Weekly Vent: #Resist

[This post first appeared on Bill Moyers & Company on April 17, 2017.] Editor’s Note Donald Trump may be a racist, misogynist, sexual predator, liar and bully, but he is still president of the United States, and we underestimate him at the nation’s peril. Viewed in isolation, his policies seem idiosyncratic and incoherent. Viewed in context, they […]

via 100 DAYS OF DECONSTRUCTION — PART ONE — The Belly of the Beast

This is no time to become discouraged, as the lunacy continues to unfold in this administration and White House. There is a March for Science this Saturday, April 22, in conjunction with Earth Day. There are hundreds of satellite marches around the US and even the world. I’ll be at one in my city! No, I’m not a scientist. This is not primarily a march by scientists. It is a march by and for all of us who know that facts matter. Words matter. Truth matters. Education and expertise matter. SCIENCE MATTERS.

I am sick and tired of ignoramuses insisting loudly that their half-baked prejudices are as valid as scientific research and data, and the kleptocrats who egg them on so they can continue to profit from polluting industries. We ignore this to our detriment. So get out there and march!

Donald Trump, angry; the 2016 GOP nominee.

The Gaslight Zone: How to Resist, II

The Guardian has published an excellent article on the dynamics of “gaslighting” and how to resist its manipulation of facts and reality: How To Survive Gaslighting: When Manipulation Erases Your Reality.

It is essential for all of us to understand that the constant lies and distortions emanating from the White House and GOP leadership are tactics of both authoritarian propaganda and psychological abuse. And the purpose of most psychological abuse, on an individual and group level, is CONTROL. Control without reason. Control without facts. Control without truth. Control without mercy. Kind of like an abusive spouse (I’m looking at you, Steve Bannon).

The Gaslight Zone: Undermining Reality. #Resist.

The Gaslight Zone: “Belly of the Beast” Connects the Dots of Trump and Russia

This Timeline was first published and updated at It will be updated periodically. Trump’s efforts to develop business in Russia date to 1987. In 1996, he applied for his trademark in that country. Discussing ambitions for a Trump hotel in 2007, he declared, “We will be in Moscow at some point.” 2002: Russian-born Felix H. Sater and […]


The Weekly Vent: Money Talks

President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, seated next to him, at dinner at Mar-a-Lago on Feb. 10, shortly before they had to scramble to react to a North Korean missile launch. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) With each of President Donald Trump’s trips to the Mar-a-Lago Club — and there have been four in…

via More than Mar-a-Lago: Members of all Trump clubs could have access to the president — OpenSecrets Blog

The Weekly Vent: Hypocrisy

Conservative Christians have crawled out of the church pew woodwork to rend their garments and beat their breasts, at word that Disney’s live action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast will feature an openly gay character. They’ve loudly promised to boycott the film and Disney itself in spiritual protest. This news alone is of little……

via The Naked Hypocrisy of a Christian Disney Boycott — john pavlovitz

John Pavlovitz gets it right again. The cognitive dissonance these folks must experience takes my breath away. I keep hearing Godspell’s “Alas For You” echoing in my mind. Ugh.

The Weekly Vent: Grifters on Campus

Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has dominated news cycles with chaos. It was easy to miss his new task force charged with deregulating higher education. The leader is Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of Liberty University. “The goal is to pare it back and give colleges and their accrediting agencies more leeway in governing their affairs,” […]

via JERRY FALWELL’S NEW ASSIGNMENT — The Belly of the Beast

Is Russiagate About Oil and Gas?

As the Democratic National Convention continues its week-long stay in Philadelphia, accusations of Russian hacking continue to cloud the proceedings. At this point, it seems likely that Russia is responsible. What’s less clear is what that will mean going forward. — Wired **** Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, for a long time now, have aligned […]

via From Russia With #HateTrumpsLove — Is Putin’s Petrostate Attempting to Tilt US Election Toward Republicans? — robertscribbler